Where can you find dependable lab instruments?

When you are dealing with highly transmissible biological agents you need certain laboratory equipment that will help you in not just understanding the behaviour of the agent but also one which protects you from harmful bacteria and viruses while studying them. Here is what you should know about some of the lab instruments that youContinue reading “Where can you find dependable lab instruments?”

Which Biosafety Cabinet is most suitable for you?

The risk-on contracting infectious diseases in lab personnel is much higher as they deal with infectious specimens every day. No matter how cautious they are accidents cannot be prevented and are bound to cause health hazards. There have been common incidents of brucellosis, in the present times the COVID-19 virus strains are constantly being monitoredContinue reading “Which Biosafety Cabinet is most suitable for you?”

Laboratory Equipment Suppliers in India

Laminar Air Flow, Biosafety Cabinet, PCR machine, Gel Documentation System, PCR Workstation, Stability Chamber, Laboratory Fume Hoods, Ultra Low Temperature Freezer, Double Beam UV spectrophotometer, Vertical Gel Electrophoresis System are the major equipment you can find with us. Each of these equipment have specific working demands in molecular or microbiology applications.

Scientific Equipment Manufacturer

Our Motto is to Innovate, Interact and Intuit with our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. As our customers are accelerating life sciences research, solving complex analytical challenges, improving impatient diagnostics or increasing productivity in their laboratories, we are here to support them.

Analytical Lab Instruments for Multidisciplinary Applications | iGene Labserve

A wide range of equipment that analyze samples qualitatively and quantitatively through chemical, clinical and environmental testing for study that includes, not limit to forensic, Life Science Research (e.g., metabolomics, genomics, proteomics), material research and characterization, petrochemical analysis.

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