What is a Gel Documentation System?

A reliable laboratory equipment manufacturer provides a wide range of imaging devices for detecting, quantifying, and analyzing proteins and nucleic acids in gels and membranes. Advanced software powers this gel documentation device, allowing for quick data gathering, validation, and analysis. The gel documentation system can be utilized for automation and detection with all common modes of nucleic, protein, fluorescent, colorimetric, radioisotopic, and chemiluminescent.

Features of Gel Documentation System

The gel documentation system depends on your current and future needs. A quality gel documentation device accommodates a wide range of samples and supports a different mode of detection. Here are some of the features needed for the smooth functioning of this equipment.

  • Modular design and flexible option
  • Multiple modes of data analysis and output
  • Signal accumulation mode
  • Multifluorescent western blot detection

The gel documentation is used to evaluate gel after electrophoresis, and the membrane after the transfer. The process might seem complicated but it is easily possible with the help of gel documentation systemIgene is constantly working to provide the customers with advanced, unique, cutting-edge technology to meet the laboratory needs and reduce the challenges for the buyers. Find out more information at  https://www.igenels.com/ or dial 09310696848 to know more about the machine.

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